Raccoons | Rats | Opossums | Bats | Snakes | Squirrels | Moles I Groundhogs I Birds I Coyote I Fox I Mice 

We at Critter Outlaws, take pride in humane yet effective practices to rid your property of unwanted wildlife. When permitted by law, we release animals to areas that are better suited for their survival. The ecology of Indiana is extremely important to us. What sets us apart from other animal control companies is that we strive to make both our customers AND animal friends happy.

Critter Outlaws is your one stop shop for trapping, permanent exclusion, decontamination and long term deterrent of local wildlife. Where other trapping companies fail, we assure all steps are taken to not only remove the animal but make sure another cannot re-enter your property.

Our wildlife techs are specifically trained and experienced in both animal behavior, pest control and closure of animal entry points. All of our work is professionally completed and comes with a guarantee.

Permanent removal of nuisance Wildlife from your property is our expertise.

Call Today For A  Free Inspection And Estimate

Despite their cute and fuzzy appearance, raccoons can be serious nuisances to homes. Not only do they sometimes defecate and urinate in attic spaces, they don’t think twice about tearing their way through materials that generally keep out other animals, like screens and vent covers. They can destroy shingles, insulation and other materials.

In addition, indoor raccoon latrines, if left unaddressed, may cause staining on ceilings from the moisture in the material when it’s fresh, as well as what it becomes as it starts to break down. They often also carry parasitic roundworms that can infest homes and humans if left alone.

Foxes can be a pest problem for many reasons. They can cause noise, mess, damage, and disease in gardens and around homes. They can also pose a threat to pets and livestock.

The biggest problem with coyotes for humans is predation of livestock. Coyotes will attack a variety of livestock, with sheep and fowl being at the greatest risk. The other two problems of most concern are the predation of pets and the concerns for human safety.

Coyotes pose little threat to horses and cattle. It’s a good idea to install fencing and maintain it to keep coyotes at bay. Also keeping susceptible livestock and poultry penned and secured at night is your best defense. Guard dogs can also be used to keep coyotes at bay.

Some of the most common problems groundhogs can cause in a yard include: Damaging your foundation Harming plant life Biting pets or family members Spreading disease Creating unstable ground that leads to twisted ankles Homeowners notice most of these issues in the summer months when groundhog activity spikes.

 A bat infestation poses serious health risks to your family and pets. Bats are known carriers of rabies, a fatal virus transmitted through bites or scratches. According to the CDC, bats account for at least 70% of human rabies deaths in the United States, including three deaths in five weeks in 2021. Rabid bats have been found in every state except Hawaii.

Bat guano also contains the fungal spores that cause histoplasmosis, a potentially life-threatening respiratory infection. Bats can also harbor parasites, such as bed bugs, fleas, ticks, or mites.

Cleaning up after a bat infestation can be costly and dangerous. Over time, guano and urine can soak into the boards, beams, drywall, and insulation, causing stubborn stains and odors. Bat droppings are highly corrosive and can weaken structural elements by eating through wood, metal, paint, and other building materials.


Opossums are considered a nuisance in gardens and near homes where they feed on berries, grapes, tree fruits and nuts, and defecate on garden paths and patios. They get into fights with dogs and cats and can inflict serious injury with their mouthful of sharp pointed teeth.

Opossums carry diseases such as leptospirosis, tuberculosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, and Chagas disease. They may also be infested with fleas, ticks, mites, and lice.

Rats can spread many diseases to both humans and animals, either directly or indirectly. Direct contact involves:

Being bitten or scratched
Eating contaminated food
Touching contaminated objects or surfaces and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth Breathing contaminated air Indirect contact with rats usually happens when people or animals are bitten by fleas, mosquitoes, ticks, or mites that have bitten infected by rats.

Excluding snakes from buildings can be as difficult as excluding rodents, and keeping snakes out of yards or gardens may be completely impractical.

Snakes in houses may be there either accidentally (for instance, washed in by flood waters) or purposely to find prey or shelter. They can become trapped inside and may die from lack of food or moisture if not captured and removed.

Note: Some snakes may hibernate in cellars or crawl spaces of older houses. The presence of shed skin usually indicates that a snake has been living in the house for some time.

Moles don’t usually cause a lot of expensive damage to your property. Instead, they’re more of a nuisance pest. For example, they can create problems throughout your yard with their extensive network of tunnels. These problems include:

Ridges that interfere with lawnmowers
Brown spots where they cut off your grass’s roots Eating creatures that could benefit your garden, like earthworms and pollinators Disrupting your garden plants with their digging — luckily, they don’t like to eat things like bulbs and other garden plants or they’d be much more of a bother

The severity of squirrel-inflicted damages can range from minor cosmetic issues to major structural problems. Squirrels are known for targeting vulnerable areas in your home such as your attic or garden shed where they can easily chew on insulation, electrical wiring, vents, or woodwork.

These bothersome avians can cause a wide range of problems, not least of which is physical damage to properties. The damage manifests in various forms such as roof destruction due to nesting habits, defacing signs and storefronts with droppings, and even weakening the structural integrity of buildings. Therefore, recognizing the physical harm caused by these birds is significant.



Mice have been known to spread nasty diseases - such as Salmonella and Listeria - to humans through their urine, droppings and bedding.

Mice have a need to mark their territory with their urine and due to their sporadic eating habits, build nests near food sources. This puts anyone with an infestation at risk of food poisoning.

As they scurry around, they carry dirt and bacteria with them, transferring it to your counter tops, cabinets, pantry and anywhere else they travel.

These nibbling nuisances can also cause a lot of property damage, due to their compulsive need to gnaw to maintain their teeth at a constant length.

Electric cables, water and gas pipes, packaging and woodwork may all be seriously damaged by mice - many instances of electrical fires and floods have been attributed to them.